Applied Photographic Technique 5AP501
No of Credits: 20
Credit Level: 5
Pre-requisite: None
Total no of Learning Hours 200
Keywords: Brightfield, darkfield, fluorescence, polarisation, scientific, infrared, ultraviolet, photomicrography, photomicrography, close-up.
Module delivery mode: Blended/Face-to-face
This module looks at specialist areas of applied photography that require a greater understanding of the principles behind photography and photographic practice but also at the creative uses of scientific photography.
This module can be approached from a scientific or artistic
perspective or look at combining these.
On completion of this module you will be able to:
• Critically reflect on the role of scientific techniques on your personal practice.
• Creatively apply the principles of photography to your work.
The range of materials and content covered may include: Introduction to a range of applied photographic techniques in negotiation with students in view of your personal interests and directions for example; natural history, scientific techniques including lighting techniques darkfield and brightfield, cross-polarisation, close-up, photomicrography and phiotomicrography, infrared and ultraviolet fluorescence.
Aspects of this module could include the use of black and white processing and printing e.g. use of direct infrared and ultraviolet photography with film. Presentation techniques and technologies.
Use of photography in teaching and communication. Critical reflection on development in photography, as a continuous process of thinking and image creation.
The module is presented in the form online lectures and practical workshops including demonstrations which are supported by a range of learning materials and activity
Scheduled learning and teaching activities: 25%
Guided independent study: 75%
Assessment strategy
The aim of the assessment is to encourage you to try different types of practices from traditional photography and investigate how scientific techniques can be applied to other areas of photographic practice from artistic through to scientific approaches. This will lead to students producing a series of photographs that show how they can creatively use the techniques demonstrated within the module.
Formative assessment
Tutor and peer assessed review of presentation before summative assessment.
Summative assessment
Assessment Weighting: Practical skills assessment: 100%
CW1: 60% weighting
Portfolio of experimental photographic work, including contemporaneous reflection on your photographic practice.
CW2: 40% weighting
Presentation of an aspect of applied photographic techniques that informs your personal practice, this should include a balance of research and practical work.
Project brief
Reflective portfolio
Assessment Weighting: Coursework: 100%
Learning Outcomes
• Critically reflect on the role of scientific techniques on your personal practice.
• Creatively apply the principles of photography to your work.
CW1: 60% weighting - Portfolio of experimental photographic work, including contemporaneous reflection on your photographic practice.
CW2: 40% - Presentation of an aspect of applied photographic techniques that informs your personal
practice, this should include a balance of research and practical work.
From this work you should select 6 photographs to print together with a single side of A4 for display alongside the work with a title and explanation of your ideas and thinking behind your project. These should demonstrate a particular technique, subject or aspect of this module. How you these techniques apply will depend on your personal directions and the module encourages you to try
different techniques that may be outside of your normal range of work and to look at other approaches and ways of working and how these techniques could be applied to your creative practice e.g. using lighting or infrared in a different context.
Assessment criteria
In the assessment we are looking for evidence that you have:
- a reflective and evaluative approach to your thinking, presentation and personal goals
- produce a body of work that responds to the different techniques and looks at their impact on
your personal directions and development.
- use the techniques creatively to produce a body of work shows the value of this aspect of applied