Research & Work Based Practice 5AP504
Pre-requisite None
Module Level: 5
Credit Value: 40
Total Number of Learning Hours 400
Key Words Research, professional, client, work, based, learning, skills, project, negotiated.
Module Delivery Mode
Mode Blended/Face to face and Work-based learning
Module Description
This module builds on learning you have undertaken in the rest of the programme by combining aspects of research together with work based practice. It allows you to undertake a negotiated project that is either a collection of small client based projects, one large project or a personal research based project.
Module Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module you will be able to:
• Evaluate and develop personal goals that challenge your development as a photographer.
• Manage your own personalised learning, research and work based learning experience.
• Critically evaluate your own performance.
Module Content
The range of materials and content covered may include:
Evidence based practice, from theory to practice sessions will address how you can look at theory scientific, technical, artistic or cultural and use these to support your own practice as a photographer encouraging creativity and innovation.
Methods for collecting and analysing information and data, including quantitative and qualitative methodologies and oral history.
The impact of ethics on research and practice in photography.
Meaning of academic terms e.g. Synthesis, analysis, self-reflection within a research context.
Ways of thinking in research in historical and contemporary contexts.
Academic conventions for writing and presenting material.
Series of lectures related to the historical and contemporary context of applied photography.
This will be a blend of lectures and video podcasts from a range of practitioners and researchers and will address the wide field of photography practice, research methodology, creativity and innovation from art, science and technology and their impact or possible impact on your personal practice.
Existing online materials from other modules should be revisited to support your learning in this module e.g. Project planning and management, Personal Development Planning, research, writing and presentation techniques etc.
Module Learning and Teaching Methods
The actual learning for the ‘Research and work based practice’ module is organised and planned by you, in negotiation with and supported by programme tutors.
Project brief
Learning outcomes
• Evaluate and develop personal goals that challenge your development as a photographer.
• Manage your own personalised learning, research and work based learning experience.
• Critically evaluate your own performance.
The stages in the Research and Work Based Learning module reflect these learning outcomes.
Stage 1 Research and Exploration
This encourages you to reflect on and make sense of your prior experience and learning and to articulate your aspirations, research, explore possibilities and establish an overall plan for your own development.
There should be an element of challenge that you are putting a wide range of the skills you have developed into practice but going beyond that to look at how you can develop as a photographer.
Research is not just about looking at books but also using evidence based research from your practice and examining this as part of your development and progress.
CW: Submission of Learning agreement and learning needs.
Stage 2 Progress Review
You will be managing your own learning and work based learning but also making use of the tutors associated with this module supporting you from a technical, theoretical, artistic or creative perspective. The progress review gives you an opportunity to formally present your work in progress and show how you have progressed from your original idea, research and work based practice to an intermediate stage in the module.
CW1: 30% weighting - Presentation of your progress
Stage 3 Demonstration and Exhibition
This element of Research and Work Based Learning involves not just presenting your work ready for exhibition but also critically evaluating your own performance.
CW2: 70% weighting
Collated portfolio of work including; photographic work, reflective diary, references and evaluation of your personal performance. The final form of the work will be negotiated within your learning agreement but should be suitable for exhibition as part of your final show of work, though it is likely that only a part of your work may be exhibited.
Assessment criteria
We are looking for evidence that you have:
- Personally challenged yourself in the project you undertake to go beyond what you have achieved
- Managed your own learning through your learning
agreement, development and communication of your learning needs
- Critically evaluated your own performance against personally set goals.
- Your research and writing conforms to standard practice in terms of ethics, citations and referencing.