Advanced Digital Photography 5AP500
No of Credits: 20
Credit Level: 5
Pre-requisites: Digital Capture and Processing
Pre-requisite: None
Learning hours 200 hours
Keywords: Panoramic, HDRI, stitching, stacking, animation,
stop frame, video, digital, photography
Module delivery: Blended/Face to face
Using a digital camera as a tool for capturing multiple photographs, which are then assembled to create another photograph, are becoming a key aspect of photographic practice. This module looks at advanced digital photographic techniques and how they are being used in photographic practice to take images that would otherwise not be possible. This includes for example, panoramic photography and high dynamic range imaging.
On completion of the module you will be able to:
1. Evaluate the application of advanced digital photography
to your personal practice.
2. Apply advanced digital photographic techniques.
The range of materials and content covered may include: Manipulating and assembling images
HDR High Dynamic Range Imaging techniques Panoramic photography and other applications of stitching for increasing resolution and photographing in limited space, Zoomify and similar programmes.3-D photography including virtual reality creation of rotatable objects. Hyperfocal or high resolution digital photography using stacking of multiple images. Combining stacking and stitching techniques. Protection of copyright using digital watermarking and monitoring of use of images.
Image resizing, sharpening and preparation for production. Use of still photography cameras for stop-frame animation and video production e.g. Canon 5D.Polynomial texture mapping (PTM) and other techniques for visualization of surface features. Colour management from screen to print, colour gamut and effect of paper type.
The module will develop your practical skills and theoretical understanding of a broad range of advanced digital photographic techniques. The ability to assemble photographs to create different types of images is now possible even on a mobile phone so taking this area of photography to a more sophisticated level is an important part of modern photographic practice. You will be introduced to the range of techniques and encouraged to look at the implications for your personal practice and career directions
Scheduled learning and teaching activities: 25%
Guided independent study: 75%
Assessment strategy
The aim of the assessment is encourage you to look at the forefront of digital photography and how these will impact on the future of photography from beyond the common use of the single photograph to multiple photographs as ends in themselves or precursors for further digital developments.
Formative assessment
Progress review of practice and application of techniques and their impact on student’s personal practice.
Summative assessment
Assessment Weighting: Practical skills assessment: 100%
CW1: 40% weighting:
Presentation looking at advanced digital photographic techniques and their impact on your practice.
CW2: 60% weighting:
Exhibition of a series of photographs or video clips using advanced digital photographic techniques.
Project brief
This project could be following on from work you have done already and taking it a stage further, applying techniques you have found in the literature or that have been presented in sessions or demonstrated online or developing new concepts and applications of advanced
digital photography.
These two assessments will be very much linked as the presentation (Assessment 1) of an aspect of advanced digital photography and its impact on your practice, your views and use of a particular technique, combination of techniques or range of techniques will lead into your presentation of a series of photographs (Assessment 2) that show the application of the technique or techniques.
Assessment 1
CW1: 40% weighting:
Learning outcome 1 - Evaluate the application of advanced digital photography to your personal practice. Individual or group presentation on the particular technique, combination of techniques or range of techniques you have evaluated. This should be more than a presentation of the technique as you are evaluating its use and relevance to your personal practice and possible clients.
Assessment 2
CW2: 60% weighting:
Learning outcome 2 - Apply advanced digital photographic techniques. Select a series of 6 photographs from your work that demonstrate the impact of advanced digital photography
on your personal practice. The presentation should lead into examples of the techniques you have used demonstrating the techniques used but also looking at its creative and commercial potential.
Assessment criteria
• Professional presentation, to a high standard as if to a professional audience
• Use of appropriate referencing, Harvard.
• Depth of thinking about the evaluation of Advanced Digital Photographic techniques
• Quality of the final photographs in terms of technical competence but also creative use of advanced digital photography. Note that the presentation can be in different formats depending on your work e.g. audio visual, with pre-recorded narration, text/photographs with sound but should be of a professional standard.