Professional Practice 5AP503
Pre-requisite None
Module Level: 5
Credit Value: 20
Total Number of Learning Hours 200
Key Words Professional, practice, copyright, legal, ethical, business, finance, creative industries, career. Module Delivery Mode Blended/Face to face
Module Description
This module will orientate students to the realities of working for themselves as a professional practitioner. In view of the number of courses and support for businesses in the region this module may be credited through the University’s accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)
scheme on negotiation with your tutor.
Module Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module you will be able to:
• Present a professional personal development plan.
• Critically reflect on your development as a professional practitioner.
Module Content
The range of materials and content covered may include:
What does it mean to be a professional? This module will examine your role as a professional either as an employee or a freelance photographer running your own business. The importance of moving from further developing your Personal Development Plan on to Continuing Professional
Development (CPD), looking at your career potential, interview and presentation techniques.
Business and project plans, setting up a small business or professional practice, developing a curriculum vitae, legal and ethical issues, sustainable development, finance, supplementing your income from other sources of work, support and advice from professional organizations e.g.
British Institute of Professional Photographers, Creative Industries Network and Creative Launchpad and how they help, small business centres.
Module Learning and Teaching Methods
This module will be delivered as a series of lectures, tutorials, seminars and discussions which will support the student’s own fact finding towards putting forward a business or professional practice proposition for example; setting up as a photographer, carer development in photography,
An expedition, gallery exhibition or book proposal. Other aspects for professional practice can be examined on discussion with your module tutor.
Scheduled learning and teaching activities: 25%
Guided independent study: 75%
Module Assessment Method
Assessment strategy
The aim of the assessment is to support the development of your personal business skills and entrepreneurship towards your personal career directions.
Formative assessment
Review of personal development plan towards your development as a professional practitioner.
Summative assessment
Assessment Weighting: Coursework: 100%
CW1: 20% weighting:
Personal reflections on your skills and attributes, personal goals and aims and showing evidence of a developmental approach.
CW2: 80% weighting:
Presentation of your personal development plan for future professional practice this could be in the form of a business plan or career plan.
Project brief
• Present a professional personal development plan.
• Critically reflect on your development as a professional practitioner.
The aim of this assessment is for you to present your personal development plan for future professional or personal practice this could be in the form of a business plan or career plan but should include your personal reflections on your skills and attributes, personal goals, with evidence of a developmental approach.
Due to the nature of students on the programme this module can either be viewed as:
Professional Practice or
Personal Practice
The final piece of work will reflect your personal aims and ambitions as a photographer whether as a professional practitioner, freelance or employed and the career or personal development steps you want to take next.
This could include research and development towards further qualifications and training whether academic or non-academic. This could include your personal aspirations e.g. for an exhibition, travel project, book indeed any future venture in photography. The work should be presented in a form appropriate to your personal aims. The actual form should relate to your aims so this will be discussed and agreed as part of the tutorial process.
It is expected that this work will generally be portfolio based as you build up evidence and material to support your development. However, the key is the critical reflection and thinking about your personal aims not the “Quantity” of material in your portfolio.
You should have two pieces to present for assessment at the end of the module:
CW1: 20% weighting:
“Portfolio of developmental work” Personal reflections on your skills and attributes, personal goals and aims, showing evidence of a developmental approach, including a personal flyer.
CW2: 80% weighting:
“Professional Presentation” This is a presentation of your personal development plan for future professional or personal practice.
Assessment criteria
• Quality of the presentation and coherence of your personal development plan.
• Critical reflection on your progress to date and your personal aims taking photography forward as a
career or personal interest.
• Integration of your photographic work into the presentation, as examples of work form an essential
part of the presentation