Portfolio Development 5AP502
Pre-requisite None
Module Level: 5
Credit Value: 20
Total Number of Learning Hours 200
Key Words Portfolio, e-portfolio, electronic, web, selection, reflection, online, sales, marketing, career.
Module Delivery Mode Blended/Face to face
Module Description
This module provides an opportunity for individual portfolio preparation. The presentation of a portfolio using electronic media is an essential means of
self-promotion for photographers. This module aims to develop your skills through a process of collection, reflection and selection ready not only for sharing and publishing but for dissemination to prospective customers towards sales and marketing of your photographs and skills.
Module Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module you will be able to:
• Develop a portfolio that expresses your individual style of photography
• Critically reflect on the role of image management.
Module Content
The range of materials and content covered may include: Identifying electronic portfolios as a means of self-promotion. Collection, reflection, selection and evaluation skills.
Role of image management and development of personas in supporting the design and availability of your photographs online for clients. Advantages and disadvantages of different electronic media for portfolio development.
The role of image management where you are looking towards the final part of a digital workflow from computer to client.
Development and production
E-commerce, Internet service providers and web services. Sharing and publishing work including legal, ethical and intellectual property rights (IPR) issues.
Introduction to a variety of software applications that can be used to create image galleries and websites for business or professional practice including database driven websites, open source solutions, Flash, Slideshow Pro Director, FTP programmes, links between existing social sites like flickr and personal websites, managing a hosted server.
Commissioning a designer v’s self-managing and developing your online portfolio. Marketing and dissemination of portfolio. Writing and reflection in your portfolio for your target audience.
Using social networking as part of a marketing strategy including use of facebook, LinkedIn etc.
Module Learning and Teaching Methods
The teaching and learning strategy will encourage you to develop a personal and reflective approach to the design and creation of your portfolio. If you already have a portfolio the emphasis will be on further development and dissemination of the portfolio and your photographic work.
Scheduled learning and teaching activities: 25%
Guided independent study: 75%
Module Assessment Method
Assessment strategy
The assessment is designed together with the module contents to support your personal development of an online portfolio that will enable you to show your work in a professional context including the possibility of further developing an existing website or developing ways of distributing your work to your clients e.g. through a photo library or e-commerce
Formative assessment
Tutor and peer evaluation of a ‘Portfolio review’ this can either be their own portfolio if already available or one of a professional photographer available online.
Summative assessment
Assessment Weighting: Practical skills assessment: 100%
CW1: 30% weighting
Review of existing portfolio and the requirements for development or review of portfolio requirements ready for development.
CW2: 70% weighting
Presentation of your development or improvement of an online or offline portfolio including critical reflection on the developmental process.
Open Source Portfolio Initiative
This diagram illustrates the concepts behind portfolio development used in this module to support learning and sharing.
Project brief